Good Morning to all my students. As we deal with this virus we are "making history." Never before has our nation had to deal with such issues. Econ students, remember our discussion about how bad it was in the USSR when they ran out of toilet paper... Well, in some places... As the saying came to be in the Great Depression, "how long will it take for the invisible hand to work?" I have no doubt that the laws of self-interest, competition and supply and demand will kick in. Hopefully we won't experience "demand-pull" inflation. (I did notice that steak was really high at Publix Saturday, so I got a good price on rib-eye at Walmart, competition...) These times make us all have to deal with the realities of life. So much for my excuse of being "BC" (before computers...). Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Necessity is the mother of invention/new stuff, right? So I have learned Microsoft Sway. It is a great, easy tool to...
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