Tuesday 3-17 Government ideology activity

Hey guys, this activity will help you see some current issues and think about your own political beliefs. Follow the instructions and check what you believe, total up checks to see whether you are more liberal or conservative in you political views.

Political Ideology Comparisons

For each issue, decide whether you agree with Position #1 or Position # 2 and check off the appropriate box in the middle.  When finished count up the number of checks in each column.



Increase regulations on business and worker protection

Ease regulation and keep government out of business
Increase taxes 

Cut taxes
Pro-choice (allow abortion)

Pro-life (don’t allow abortion)
Social Spending
Increase spending on programs for society like health care

Decrease or maintain spending on programs for society
Defense Spending
Decrease military spending or maintain at current level

Increase military spending
Grant amnesty to illegal aliens; don't build a fence along the Mexican border; allow illegal aliens to obtain driver's licenses; prevent the creation of a national ID card & database to track people in the country. 

Prevent amnesty for illegal & driver's licenses for illegal aliens; construct a Mexican border fence; create a national ID card & database to track people in the country.
Death Penalty

Government Size
Increase the government and use more socialistic policies

Reduce the government and use more capitalistic policies
World Peace
Negotiate first and only take military action if sanctioned by the U.N. and other world organizations

Work with world bodies and use negotiation, but take unilateral pre-emptive action if necessary to protect America
Same-Sex Marriage

Affirmative Action
For (maintain race-based preferences)

Against (ban race-based preferences)
ANWR Drilling
(for Oil in Alaska)
Prevent the Alaska drilling

Pursue this and other domestic (U.S.) oil sources
Kyoto Treaty
(limit carbon emissions worldwide to help pollution)
Sign this treaty

Don't sign this treaty
Protect the rights of the accused first and foremost

Provide maximum punishment and protect the rights of the victim first and foremost
School Vouchers
(using tax dollars to pay for private schools)
End the program

Expand the program
Doctor Assisted Suicide
Allow doctors to assist without punishment

Prevent doctors from assisting in patient suicide by punishing their involvement
Missile Defense
Scrap this program

Pursue this program
Three Strikes Law (3rd major offense = life sentence)
Overturn this law

Maintain and expand these laws
Minimum Wage

Lower or eliminate altogether
Social Security
Increase age of beginning eligibility (e.g. 68 or 70); increase salary limits subject to tax

Privatize; i.e. allow citizens control over their own money and allow stock investments
Health Care
Make 100 percent government controlled

De-regulate and introduce free market reform (insurance companies compete for your business)
Personal Responsibility
Government needs to protect people from themselves

People should be responsible and be held accountable for their own actions
Malpractice Lawsuits (ability to sue doctors)
Do not cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts

Cap punitive & pain/suffering damage amounts
Maintain separation of church and state; prevent faith-based government initiatives

Introduce more religion in schools; allow faith-based government initiatives

# Checks in Column #1          ___________              # Checks in Column #2      ___________
                                                 Liberal                                                                       Conservative

Column with biggest number indicates your ideological preference.


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