Government test day- instructions

Good morning, guys.

For today, I encourage 3 things before our test: (By the way, my World History class has been doing well in the classroom. Yesterday, on what I thought was an easy test, they had a 60 average. Most tests have been in the 80's.) So I encourage preparation.

  1. Review all your notes. (See my post with all notes...)
  2. Practice quizizz. The test practice post from yesterday has several related quizzes. You can use any quiz that they have from others, as well...
  3. Join my zoom meeting to ask questions and get help. I will start it at 9:30.
I will wait to post the official test until 10:30 so you have time to prepare. I will post it as "Government Unit 1 test."

Here is a link to all the notes:;postID=3747074653160114815;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=20;src=postname


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