
Showing posts from March, 2020

Coach Taylor will do a Zoom Meeting tomorrow on the amendments

Coach Taylor's invitation for tomorrow: Topic: Amendments Time: Apr 1, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 702 771 379

Available on Zoom for personal contact

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 292 505 802 Password: 276973

Attention all students!!! 4 day week after Spring Break

After Spring Break we will go to only making assignments for our classes on Monday through Thursday. Friday will be a day off for students. Enjoy! BC

Government assignment for Tuesday 3-31

Ou next topic is the Powers listed in the Constitution. The notes are here in Sway. Looking ahead, tomorrow we will do the amendments, then Thursday will be a review day, and Friday will be test day on the Constitution. Quizizz code for Powers: 688808 Prohibited powers and further review: 638787

World History for Tuesday 3-31/ Test review day

Tomorrow we will do our test on basically, in brief, the Age of Exploration. We started out studying the Native Americans, then moved on to exploration and its effects called the Colombian Exchange. Our final study was the Enlightenment. To prepare for the test review all your notes on these topics (look at previous posts.) Then practice all the quizizz on this unit. Yesterday's post lists them all.

World History test review quizizz for test on Wednesday, April 1

Putting all the quizizz on this blog for ease of access. Olmecs and Mayans: 228725 Aztecs and Incas: 663243 Age of Exploration: 939689 Colombian Exchange: 664182 Enlightenment: 480516

World History assignment for Monday 3-30

Today we study the Enlightenment, which was also known as the Age of Reason. It especially effected how the world thought about government. The US is referred to as an Enlightenment country because our founders sat down in a convention and used reason and thoughtful deliberation to devise a plan of government. The US Constitution has stood the test of time and is the longest lasting democratic document in world history thanks to Enlightenment thinkers like John Locke and Montesquieu. Enlightenment notes and quiz follow: Enlightenment quiz: 836598

Government assignment for Monday 3-30

Today we study Principles of government found in the Constitution. Notes on sway and quiz on Quizizz are below: Principles of the Constitution notes: Principles quiz: 679269

World History error on Exploration quizizz

All these should apply, sorry... Why is Zheng He   not   considered such a great explorer in world history? check all that apply answer choices China's Emperor stopped his expeditions His ships were 400 feet compared to Columbus' 85 he made no great discoveries that changed the world he made no land claims

World History finish of unit, big "quiz"

On Monday we will finish this unit on Native Americans, Exploration, Colombian Exchange and Enlightenment with our notes on the Enlightenment. On Tuesday we will review and Wednesday do a big quiz. I have given extra time for the Quizizz, so you have time to do them and review them. BC

Available on Zoom Friday, 3-27

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 160 362 622 Password: 402449

Government assignment for 3-27

Today we will study Articles 4-7 of the Constitution. Notes and quiz are below. Enjoy the weekend. Quiz code: 772800

World HIstory Assignment for Friday, 3-27

We are studying today the Columbian Exchange, all the ways the world changed after Columbus stumbled into America. Notes and quiz are below. Quiz code: 681885

World History extended time for those missing Renaissance and Reformation test

Extended time for test code: 642860

Coach Taylor is available on Zoom

Michael Taylor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Preamble Time: Mar 26, 2020 11:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 833 914 3350

Available on Zoom Thursday, 3-26

I will be available if you need me on Zoom until lunch... Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 767 218 458 Password: 758324

Government class extended time for Unit 1 test- mostly 2nd period students.

This code is only for some students who need to make up the test, mainly 2nd period: 613874

World History notes and quiz for Thursday 3-26

Today we study the Age of Exploration. Looking ahead, we have two more sets of notes before our next big test. It will cover the Native Americans, Age of Exploration, the Columbian Exchange and the Age of Enlightenment. Sway notes on Age of Exploration: The quiz is designed to teach and apply your notes... Quizizz code: 222786

Government notes and quiz for Thursday 3-26

Today we study the first 3 articles of the Constitution that describe the 3 branches of US government. Basically, our focus now will be the structure and organization of the branches. Units 3-5 of government study each branch in great detail. Below you will find both the Sway notes and the quiz. I designed the quiz to be instructive and make you apply what you learned. Have a great day! Articles 1-3 quiz code: 454480

Government class extended time for re-takes of Unit 1 test - mostly 4th period students

Code; 338338

Government review quizizz extended time for those needed make ups

Review quizizz codes: 932948 776043 813459

Attention 2nd period Government -Taylor Zoom

Michael Taylor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Preamble Time: Mar 25, 2020 12:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 833 914 3350

World History test results

27 guys have taken the test with an 80 average, not bad! I sent an email to your parents with results. Have a great day...

Government test results

Government test results were OK. 37 guys and gals have taken it with a 72 average. I have emailed results to parents. BC

Government assignment for Wednesday 3-25

We start our study on the US Constitution today. It is the longest lasting, without major change, democratic document in world history. It was formed through the deep deliberation of our leaders as they thought and chose the best way to organize our government. We will break our study up into small parts beginning today with an overview and the Preamble. Notes and quiz follow below: Notes on an overview/guide to the Constitution and the Preamble: Guide: Preamble: Quiz code: 045194

World History assignment for Wednesday 3-25

Today we study the civilizations of the Aztecs and Incas. Notes and quiz are below. Notes: Use the Quiz code: 624846

Government Unit 1 test

Go to Quizizz and "join a game" with the test code: 891634

Zoom meeting - test review, questions, whatever...

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 184 384 745 Password: 957304

World History new unit material/ yesterday's test

Follow up to test, as of last night only 20 of 35 people have taken it. The class average at this point is a 60. So we need to do better... For those who have not taken it, I left it open for a little extra time. Our next unit will be what the Renaissance caused: The Age of Exploration. It is my opinion that this period is the greatest time of change in all world history. (Our current age rivals it...) To set the stage we will begin with the Native Americans. Our last section of study in this unit will be the Age of Enlightenment, which grows directly out of Renaissance thought. Today's assignment is on two Native American civilizations: Olmecs and Mayans. Here are today's notes: Here is today's quizizz: 358521

Government test day- instructions

Good morning, guys. For today, I encourage 3 things before our test: (By the way, my World History class has been doing well in the classroom. Yesterday, on what I thought was an easy test, they had a 60 average. Most tests have been in the 80's.) So I encourage preparation. Review all your notes. (See my post with all notes...) Practice quizizz. The test practice post from yesterday has several related quizzes. You can use any quiz that they have from others, as well... Join my zoom meeting to ask questions and get help. I will start it at 9:30. I will wait to post the official test until 10:30 so you have time to prepare. I will post it as "Government Unit 1 test." Here is a link to all the notes:;postID=3747074653160114815;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=20;src=postname

Zoom II meeting

Zoom shut down the first meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 417 147 612 Password: 312017

"World History Test on Renaissance and Reformation 3-23."

Little late, working on Government, sorry guys... 282017

zoom meeting invite/questions about test, etc...

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 329 101 592 Password: 536932

Government Test review day Monday, 3-23

Tomorrow will be our first online test. Please review all our notes. Practice lots of quizzes.  If you have questions or need help, email me at or join my zoom meeting at 10:00 AM to ask questions.

World History overview of Monday 3-23/ More review quizizz

Good morning guys! Today is Renaissance and Reformation test day. It is our first online Test on Quizizz. Unlike the previous practice and study quizizz, on the "test" you will only have 1 attempt, no "Redemption" questions, and each question will have a 20- second time limit. I will not post this test until 11:00 today, and will post it as "World History Test on Renaissance and Reformation 3-23." You will have 24 hours to take the test (with flexibility for those with Internet issues...) If you have questions or need help, email me at or join my zoom meeting at 10:00 AM to ask questions. Before I launch the test I will post more review games below that are optional. These are quizzes I did not create from our notes, so in prep for the test I would review all my notes and find quizzez posted with each set of notes. By the way, Quizizz gives me a record of every student's activity. From this record I will give your particip...

world History Test Practice

I just re-arranged Reformation quiz as test practice with 1 attempt, 20 second time limit... Try this for test review: 016070

Government test practice

For practice 389499 214484 919422 704549 032842

Government-important additions to notes

As you all know, we use Mr. Dean's notes for Government. The basic notes are good, but need some elaboration that I usually do in class discussion. So I will add and clarify some key points that will be included on the test Tuesday below. Conflict at Constitutional Convention 2 opposing views: Large states v. Small states The ideas of both were presented in two written "plans": The Virginia Plan was the large states plan written by James Madison. He arrived with it already written. Madison had been the main person pushing hard to get rid of the Articles and devise a stronger national government.  The Virginia plan wanted to have representation based entirely on population of the state. VA was the largest state and would have the most power, but also Madison saw this as "We the People." The people should have the most power not the states. The New Jersey Plan was the small states plan. The small states fought hard to have all representation be equal fo...

World History review quizizz

An earlier quiz has timed, so here is another Reformation review: 151668

Government Quizizz for test review

Some of my first quizzes have timed out. So I am posting new ones for review: Influences on Gov't: 160854 258705

Government Ideology Quizizz

Code: 593146

Government Citizenship Quizizz

Code; 580285

Government Unit 1 test review

Quizizz for review: 378583

Government class, more time on Declaration

Many got timed out on the Declaration quizizz. Here is another: 553675

Government class unit 1 wrap up and test thoughts

Hey Government guys, Our Unit 1 test is Tuesday, the 24th. I put all the notes on the post for 3-19. It says "all notes available." I will put out several Quizizz for review for today and Monday. The last set of notes has a lot of stuff, please study it. I tried to break it up with the day-to-day posts and Quizizz. If you follow the posts chronologically beginning with Monday, 3-16 it may be helpful. I will be available on Zoom from 10:30-12:00 today and Monday, please join the meeting if you have questions. You may also email me at

Zoom meeting invite for Friday, test review questions, etc..

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 425 747 195 Password: 666103 One tap mobile ,,425747195# US Toll Dial by your location      US Toll         Meeting ID: 425 747 195 Find your local number:

World History test review Quizizz

Here is the review 264684

World History test review for Friday 3-20

Hey, we will do a big Quizizz Monday as a Summative Assessment on the Renaissance and Reformation. To help in reviewing today I am working a review Quizizz, I will publish it on another post shortly.

Government quiz on Constitutional Convention

Quizizz: 181568

World History notes for test preparation/ Test will be Monday, 3-23/copies of all notes

Hey guys, We have finished all our notes on the Renaissance and Reformation. So Monday we will have a test on Quizizz. To prepare I suggest 2 things: 1- Review all the Sway notes. I will post links to them all on this post below. 2- Go to quizizz and practice lots of quizzes on the Renaissance and Reformation. Here are the links to all the notes. Renaissance notes: Renaissance Spreads Notes: Reformation notes: Europe Responds to the Reformation (Calvin, Counter and English Reformations)

Government Quizizz as test review on Declaration, Articles, and Events leading to Constitution

Code:          Code: 471506

World History more time for Counter and English Reformation Quizizz

Hey guys if you got timed out here is a new quiz code: 982965

Government Quizizz for 3-20 on Articles of Confederation

Quizizz on Articles, game code: 690966

government for 3-20, focus on the Articles of Confederation... test thoughts...

Hey guys, review the notes for 3-19 and focus on the Articles of Confederation. A Quizizz will follow on a separate post soon. We are nearing the end of unit one. We can't give numeric grades so my thought is to do a big Quizizz as our "test." I am still thinking on it. I will confirm later. Some of you are not seeing detail very well and thinking clearly. I will try to make each title of each post address your course. Please think enough as you are doing assignments that you are not doing something for my other class. In other words, Government do not do World History stuff and visa-versa. (It seems so ridiculous to have to say that...HeHeHe!!!)

Zoom meeting, sorry late start 3-19

Hey guys, been trying to follow up on Quizizz, lost track of time... Here is your zoom invite for Thursday. Contact me for questions: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 104 474 912 Password: 515391 One tap mobile ,,104474912# US Toll Dial by your location      US Toll         Meeting ID: 104 474 912 Find your local number:

Government more time for quiz from 3-18

Some people timed out on this quiz below. I am trying to re-assign here. Let's see if it works...

World History Protestant Reformation more time Quizizz

Hey guys, when I originally sent this out it had a 24 hour time limit. If you didn't get it done in time or if you want to review, here is a new code with extended time. 083537

World History Qizizz for Thursday 3-19

Hey guys, this quizizz I borrowed from the website. It summarizes the whole Reformation, John Calvin, English Reformation and the Catholic Counter Reformation. Here is the game code: 478281

World History Notes for Thursday 3-19

These notes are for Europe's response to the Reformation. Use this Sway:

government notes for 3-19

These notes are a 30 slide PPT on the Declaration, Articles of Confederation, events leading to a new Constitution, and the Constitutional Convention. We will spend a few days on it by breaking it up into 3 or so Quizizz. I just posted the 1st quizizz on the Declaration. Focus your study on the first slides on the Declaration. Tomorrow we will focus on the Articles of Confederation. Here are the notes on Sway:

government quiz on Quizizz for 3-19

Please do this quiz on the Declaration of Independence using this code: 131889

Zoom meeting for wednesday 1-18/ Join if you have questions

Morning, I will be available on zoom at Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 839 643 760 Password: 877933 One tap mobile ,,839643760# US Toll Dial by your location      US Toll         Meeting ID: 839 643 760 Find your local number:

For all students- grades and Quizizz

Hi guys, The District has mandated no numeric grades. So what we are doing is going into the comment section and noting yes or no to the assignments. We will follow up in an appropriate way with grades later. Regarding Quizizz, I joined as a student and went to the top of the class, smoked y'all...  Join our class for Quizizz by simply putting in your parent's email. Then join today's game by putting in the code for today from my blog post.

Government Quizizz for Wednesday 3-18

Please join Quizizz and then do the quiz on Founding Influences on American Government. After joining, use this code: 712819

World History Quizizz for Wednesday 3-18 on Protestant Reformation

Still figuring out about Quizizz. You must go there and join Quizizz. There is a first post with an invitation and code on it. However, I was not sure that I had properly set up the quiz. So just in case: This is a new code for the Protestant Reformation Quizizz: 498856

Government Notes for Wednesday 3-18

Our next study is about the historical influences that have shaped our Constitution, which is the longest lasting democratic document in all history. Look for another post explaining how we will do our next quiz. Below is the Link for Sway on Founding Influences.

World History Protestant Reformation Quiz on Quizizz for Wednesday 3-18

Ask participants to open and enter this code 440625

World History notes for Wednesday 3-18

Here are the notes on the Protestant Reformation that led to huge changes in Christianity. The first quiz on Quizizz is based on this. Click on the link for the Sway:

For World History instructions on 1st Quiz on Quzizz

Hey guys, setting up a quiz, but having not sent the notes yet. don't try the quiz until after I have sent out the notes. Join Quizizz by the previous post and then join this quiz game after studying the notes with this code; 440625

For Government 4th period join Quizizz

Please join Quiizz with the link below:

For Government 2nd period join Quizizz

Please join quizizz through this link:

For World History join Quizizz

Hey guys, I told you I would look for a better way to do quizzes so I have found it. There is a great website called Quizizz. So it helps with quizzes and grading. All you have to is join through the invitation below.

Government clarify Citizenship

Hey Guys, From the quizzes it seems we are not clearly understanding some important points: Naturalization is the process by which an alien/immigrant becomes a citizen. To be eligible for citizenship an immigrant must live in the US for 5 years unless married to a citizen then it is 3 yrs. Reason being that the American spouse can teach the immigrant and help them. The most prevalent way citizens participate is voting. A social contract is an agreement among people to set up government. Like our Constitution was set up at the Constitutional convention meeting and the 1st 3 words are "We the People." We do direct democracy   through recalls, referendums and initiatives. The purpose of the Selective Service System is to conduct a military draft if needed. 

Government ideology surveys are not a quiz

Hey Government students, the ideology surveys are not for a grade so don't send them back to be. My objective is for you to understand conservative/liberal ideas and see where you stand.

Zoom meeting, join the meeting if you need to ask ???

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 766 749 780 Password: 334579 One tap mobile ,,766749780# US Toll Dial by your location      US Toll         Meeting ID: 766 749 780 Find your local number:

Tuesday 3-17 Renaissance Spreads Quiz

Here is the quiz for 3-17. Reply in an email and send me answers to questions 1-8. Example:     #1- The new philosophy is .... The Renaissance Spreads Quiz   1.What becomes the new philosophy of the Renaissance and what i s its emphasis?   2. Who is Erasmus? What was his radical idea? Why was it so radical?   3. Identify 3 ways that Christian Humanists provoke change.   4. Merchants and monarchs become patrons of artists. How doe s the greatness of Renaissance art promote change?   5. Why is this period referred t o as t h e Elizabethan Age ?   6. What is Shakespeare regarded as? How does he promote equality?   7. What European develops the printing press? How does the printing press change Europe?   8. The Renaissance has a tremendous impact on Europe. ID 6 ways Europe is impacted.  

Tuesday 3-17 World History Notes

On this Sway you find our next notes on how the Renaissance spreads in Europe. Please recognize what a tremendous time of change this was. The Renaissance leads to the Age of Exploration, which in my opinion, the greatest time of change in all history until our present age with all of our technology. The Renaissance also leads to great change in science, politics, education and the church. Click on the Sway below to study the notes. A quiz will follow on a later post.

For Tuesday 3-17 Government ideology survey

Hey guys, as we think about ideology in government this survey takes you through some present issues and gives ranges of thought and perspective. It should be thought-provoking and informative. Read through this to develop and inform yourself, then do the next survey (in the next post to see if you're more liberal or conservative in your views.) Click on the Sway:

Tuesday 3-17 Government ideology activity

Hey guys, this activity will help you see some current issues and think about your own political beliefs. Follow the instructions and check what you believe, total up checks to see whether you are more liberal or conservative in you political views. Political Ideology Comparisons For each issue, decide whether you agree with Position #1 or Position # 2 and check off the appropriate box in the middle.   When finished count up the number of checks in each column.    ISSUE POSITION #1 #1 #2 POSITION #2 Business Increase regulations on business and worker protection Ease regulation and keep government out of business Taxes Increase taxes  Cut taxes Abortion Pro-choice (allow abortion) Pro-life (don’t allow abortion) Social Spending ...