
Showing posts from May, 2020

World History World War II can be done thru 20th...

Hey guys, World War II really shaped our world, so I encourage you to read the notes and do the quizzes for just your own understanding and prep for future things like SAT, college, US History... See the blog for the 14th final quiz that is a summary. Here are the notes: Sway notes on all of WWII:

World History last assignment! Thursday, May 14

Today we will do a summative assessment of World War II. Since this is supposed to be the last assignment, I will make it more general and use it more as review than assessment. In other words I will make it more instructive than seeking to assess if you know the material. You actually have until the 19th to complete these things on World War II. There are basically 3 big points I want you to get:        1-Causes of the war        2- War in Europe        3-War with Japan Here is the quiz: 9091666

World History assignment for Wednesday, May 13

Today focus on the Pacific Theater of WWII, the fighting with Japan. (Though called a world war due to its scope, most of the fighting here was the US v Japan.) See sway notes from yesterday. Quiz WWII Pacific: 3892899

Last day for Gov't- Tuesday, May 12

Your last day, congrats! Today we study Civil rights Laws: Sway notes: Quiz: 776790

World History assignment for Tuesday, May 12

Today we study World War II. It powerfully shaped our current world. I have included all the notes on it in this sway. So these notes will guide us through the 14th which is the last day of instruction. There are basically 3 parts to our study of WWII: 1-the build up to war being declared, 2-the European War or Theater as it is called, and 3-The Pacific/ Japanese War/Theater. Today you may want to today just look at the build up and the European part. I will quiz it that way. Sway notes on all of WWII: Quiz on European part of WWII: 676126

World History assignment for Monday, May 11

Today we see Fascism lead to WWII. In some ways it is very interesting to compare it to this virus thing. The Fascist governments totally controlled people's lives by creating a crisis then presenting themselves as the solution to it. Is a similar thing taking place with this virus? The immense value of history is to learn from the past and not make the same mistakes. I AM NOT SAYING that we are being taken over by a totalitarian government right now... I am saying we need to learn from history and think for ourselves and speak up when total control takes away our freedoms! We teachers were dealt a "curveball" when we were told that the 14th is the last day of instruction. We should be fine. My goal is to finish through World War II. Today you get the Fascists coming to power. On the 12-14 the notes on WWII. Notes on Fascism: Quiz: 090951

Gov't assignment for Monday, May 11

Today, your next to last day as a high school student, we look at Civil Liberties that we have as Americans. I find them very interesting in the context of this virus situation! Some have concerns that our liberties have been eroded by this tremendous control of our lives... I encourage you to study these liberties and treasure them as your "inalienable" rights that no government, no virus controls... should be able to take from you! Tomorrow is your last day! You are almost a graduate! Thanks to those of you who have continued to seek to learn and participate! I WILL REWARD YOU AS I DO FINAL GRADES! notes: Quiz: 196547

World History for Thursday, May 7; test

Test day, good luck. 111570

Government assignment for Thursday, May 7

Today we look at US Criminal and Civil Law. Notes: Quiz: 695135

World History Assignment for Wednesday, May 6

Test review day: study all Sway notes from April 27 to yesterday and the quizizz that go with them. Here are quiz codes for review: Imperialism: 525547 Ind. Rev. 654947 Nationalism 158322 WWI 616447 Bol Rev 252847

Government assignment for Wednesday, May 6

Today we begin our study of the Judicial Branch. Sway notes: Quiz: 058842

World History next test: Thursday

Hey y'all, with today's notes we finished a unit on  Nationalism, Imperialism, Industrialization, WWI and the Bolshevik Revolution. Tomorrow we will review and test Thursday.

World History for Tuesday, May 5

Today we study the Bolshevik Revolution in which Russia became Communist. Sway notes: Quiz: 252847

Government assignment for Tuesday May 5, Exec. Br. Test

Test today on Exec. Br. Quizizz code: 863129

sorry for delay...

Sorry, I finished setting up assignments early this morning but left them in draft. BC

Government assignment for Monday, May 4 test review

Test tomorrow on Executive Branch Review all notes after Congress test beginning with April 23. Helpful Quizizz for practice: 616447 381136

World History Assignment for Monday, May 4

Today we study World War I: Quiz: 616447